Chakra Balancing Meditation
Below is a link to listen to my chakra balancing meditation, and also the beginning of the script I used to set up the meditation. I hope you enjoy it, and that it takes you deeper into your inner awareness.
Sit in a comfortable seated position. You can place a pillow under your sitting bones so that your knees are in line with your pelvis. This helps your back to be straight. Relax your legs, knees, ankles and feet. Feel your pelvis in a neutral position. Lift up through your spine. Feel the space and lightness through the vertebrae. Place your palms comfortably on your lap or thighs and feel your shoulders relax down your back. Relax your lower jaw and neck and facial muscles. Feel your head effortlessly supported by your spine.
Bring your awareness to your breath. Breathe in and out of the nose if you can. Breathe in the space and expansiveness into the body. Breathe out all stress, tension and worries. Feel the peace and calm in your body.
Be aware of your breath coming and going. Breathe in the space and expansiveness. Breathe out all stress, tension and worries. Breathe in the space and expansiveness. Breathe out all stress, tension and worries.
Imagine a white light coming from the sky and pouring down into your crown chakra at the top of the head. Imagine this white light is universal healing energy. Allow this white light to travel down through your body, through your head, shoulders, spine, arms, pelvis, legs, feet and out through the base chakra, into the Earth. Imagine this white light travelling down through the Earth, reaching the Earth’s centre. This white light flows through your physical and energetical bodies, cleansing and healing what you no longer need. Releasing all negativity back into the ground, just energy to be recycled.
Imagine this white light flowing from the sky, through your body and down deep into the earth. As you inhale imagine the white light coming from the sky, down into the head. As your exhale imagine the white light moving through your body and into the earth. Inhale, white light coming from the sky, into the head. Exhale, white light moving through your body down into the earth. Stay with this visualisation for a few deep breaths.
Once you have finished with your meditation you can take the white light back up from the Earth, through your being and back into the sky. Feeling energetically refreshed and cleansed.